Our chaplain

This is Sally Milner the Trust Chaplain.  Do go and say hello if you see her around school, or in the community.  She is a Christian and a member of the Church of England and lives locally.  You will see her leading Collective Worship as well as in the playground, the dining hall and even on school trips or at Sports Day.

Sally joined the school in September 2012 and can be found at any of our schools.  She tries to get to know all of our children and quite a lot of families as well as they join and move on through school all the way up to Duke’s Sixth Form.

What does a chaplain do?

As a Church school, Harry Hotspur is trying to help everyone to “Let their light shine” in all that they do.  A chaplain can help us to think about life and the way we want to live and relate to each other and the world around us.  She is someone you can talk to and share your story with.  We have our school LIGHT values of: Love, Inclusivity, Goodness, Hope and Truth and we believe that these sum up much of the teachings of Jesus about what makes for a good life.

Sally is around when we are celebrating happy times and we are full of joy and praise.  She is also around when we are worried or sad and may need a bit of time and someone to talk to.  You may want to talk about faith or prayer or doubts or worries, the chaplain is there for everyone, of all faiths and none.  She will respect your beliefs and will be interested to hear about them.

Links with our parishes

As a Church of England school, we work closely with the parish in which our campus is located: St Michael’s in Alnwick.  We visit for services and as part of our RE lessons.  We welcome the vicars and volunteers to our collective worship and to hear children read and to share bible stories as well.

How can I contact the chaplain?

Sally can be contacted by speaking to reception at your child’s campus or you can email her [email protected] directly.